Late Night Thoughts of a Hopeless Romantic?

Relationships suck, sometimes…

I want to share a completely honest view that I have towards relationships. I am 22 years old, have only been in one serious relationship in my life and that hardly qualifies me as any type of expert but it does allow me to have some sort of an opinion on the matter. I have been in a relationship for the past three and a half years and God above knows that it is a constant struggle. Think about it, you now are a “unit” but still acting as two separate entities. Whenever you get invited anywhere by anyone it is now an invitation that automatically includes your significant other. On the other hand you find yourself asking for the plus one when the host or hostess does not end the conversation with “oh, bring your boy/girlfriend!” It’s comforting to have a built in security blanket, someone who is supposed to always take your side and comfort you in any situation. That’s great, right? OF COURSE IT IS! I know that I walk a little bit taller having him by my side. But, you don’t want to loose yourself within the relationship either and that is where the “separate but one” theory comes into effect. It’s hard trying not to melt into the other person and forget who you are in the process. There is also a level that I believe every person individually has to reach in order to commit themselves 100% to another person. Selfishness should turn to selflessness, lust turns into love, dreams turn into plans and plans in turn result in action. Evaluate yourself and if those results aren’t in your mindset, then neither will a healthy relationship. 

I want to specifically talk about what I know and that is my own relationship. My boyfriend, Michael, is the best friend that I have ever had. Continue reading

Hey man, thanks!

Commuting can be rough. Unbelievably, painstakingly rough. Especially when having to make it into midtown in an hour for 8:30 am and you need an hour and a half to get there. Then you add in the other commuters going through the same struggles as you and are somehow making your struggle even worse. Yea. Commuting is rough. This post has a positive spin, just wait for it.

I was going through the motions, as I do every Friday. I was hurrying off the bus Continue reading

Simple Sunday: NYC Pride 2013!

In honor of NYC Pride parade that is happening in Manhattan today I feel like this Simple Sunday is dedicated to all you fabulous homosexuals! I am so heartbroken that I cannot go considering I have to be at work at 7:30 am! But I know for a fact that everyone in attendance will live it up one hundred percent!

This is a time of change and acceptance that is a long time coming, it’s time for the world to change and spread love. I cannot stress this enough! This world is a beautiful place and we are all beautiful people we should embrace one another, open our hearts as well as our eyes.

This is one of my all time favorite songs. It was written and performed by two heterosexual men who 100% support our gay community. This is refreshing to say the least.

Simple Sunday: Father’s Day Edition

I know, I know a little late but yesterday was a pretty busy day for me! So as you all know yesterday was Father’s Day and it was a beautiful day, I just hope that all the fathers out there got to enjoy their special day. 

My relationship with my dad has always been a rocky one. We don’t always see eye to eye and we tend to end up disagreeing, a lot but he’s my dad and my hero. My dad has always been a pretty tough cookie, demeanor wise I am my mother’s daughter. I avoid confrontation, wear my heart on my sleeve and spread love at all costs whereas my dad on the other hand has always been a bit rougher around the edges. As I grow older I can only hope for our bond to become stronger, I love my dad and all I want is for us to build a better connection. He is a great man, he never once turned his back on me and I know that no matter what happens he will always be in my corner. This Father’s Day he deserves the world and I will be forever grateful for his love and I am so unbelievably happy to be able to call him my dad.

Imagelove you, popsickle!


Let’s Be Friends?

So I recently watched a video that showed up on my Facebook news feed. The video, by the channel SoulPancake, sets place on a simple street in a giant ball pit (yes, I said ball pit) very reminiscent of growing up and my mom taking me to Chuck E. Cheese.

The premise of the video is to ‘make a new friend’, two complete strangers climb into the pit and written on some of the balls a question had been scribbled onto them, the questions range from “What are three things on your bucket list” to “Find something you both have in common”. The idea is to get people to open up and share a piece of them with the other person.

The simplicity of the exercise is actually touching, two people revert back to what I see as a child like vulnerability and they demolish all walls and simply, make a friend. There is no gimmick, no motives just people stopping what they’re doing, taking a break from their lives and genuinely getting to know someone who they might not have gotten the opportunity to know before.

Take a minute out of your life today and watch this video, take a minute to let your heart smile.