My Namesake?

So, Emblem3 a beachy rock group from California has recently released their first single after being contestants on The X Factor this past season. Uhm. The name of the song is Chloe, first and foremost it is cool to have a song with your name as the title..not going to lie about that BUT I mean take time to listen to the “Lyrics” if you’d even call them that.

“Chloayyyyyy, I know your sister turns everyone on..”

wait. what??

The boys are super cute don’t get me wrong Keaton and Wesley Stromberg, the brothers, and their friend Drew Chadwick all captivate with those smiles AND muscles, i’m sure all ladies would agree with me on that. I’m just not sure if their lyrical geniuses or really meant to be pop stars..

I never want to put down people that are out there living their dreams but there is so much talent out there that people are bypassing for what? boyish grins, swollen muscles, Pacsun tank tops and backwards fitted hats?

Come on people, wake up…but anyway I guess i’m giving in as well and sharing their video. Let me know what you guys think.

Let’s Be Friends?

So I recently watched a video that showed up on my Facebook news feed. The video, by the channel SoulPancake, sets place on a simple street in a giant ball pit (yes, I said ball pit) very reminiscent of growing up and my mom taking me to Chuck E. Cheese.

The premise of the video is to ‘make a new friend’, two complete strangers climb into the pit and written on some of the balls a question had been scribbled onto them, the questions range from “What are three things on your bucket list” to “Find something you both have in common”. The idea is to get people to open up and share a piece of them with the other person.

The simplicity of the exercise is actually touching, two people revert back to what I see as a child like vulnerability and they demolish all walls and simply, make a friend. There is no gimmick, no motives just people stopping what they’re doing, taking a break from their lives and genuinely getting to know someone who they might not have gotten the opportunity to know before.

Take a minute out of your life today and watch this video, take a minute to let your heart smile.