Simple Sunday: NYC Pride 2013!

In honor of NYC Pride parade that is happening in Manhattan today I feel like this Simple Sunday is dedicated to all you fabulous homosexuals! I am so heartbroken that I cannot go considering I have to be at work at 7:30 am! But I know for a fact that everyone in attendance will live it up one hundred percent!

This is a time of change and acceptance that is a long time coming, it’s time for the world to change and spread love. I cannot stress this enough! This world is a beautiful place and we are all beautiful people we should embrace one another, open our hearts as well as our eyes.

This is one of my all time favorite songs. It was written and performed by two heterosexual men who 100% support our gay community. This is refreshing to say the least.

Your love is my love, my love is your love

Last night I went to my first gay bar and let me tell you, I loved it! I am a completely heterosexual woman but I do have a lot of gay friends whether male or female. I am such a liberal individual with left-wing views on most topics. I am not I guess for lack of a better term “political” in any right but equality among all people is something I feel very strongly about.

Why is it in such an advanced world are we so limited with our views? I do not believe that homosexuality is a choice, it is not an option you don’t check a box that says yes or no. These individuals, these human beings are born this way..the same way how I was born straight, I did not choose this life for myself and neither did they.

I am not trying to lecture or change people’s minds, but i’m hoping I do, this is my blog and my views on the matter. Being around those men last night in an environment that made them completely comfortable, gave me comfort. In a way I felt loved, I know it sounds weird but it was as if everyone accepted me for who I was because I in return accepted them.

I hope in the future our society can rise above the hate that surrounds us and spread love to all people, we are social individuals who need love and quite frankly, we need to start demanding it.